Paseo Del Norte Beekeepers Association

Mighty Mite Usage


Paseo del Norte Beekeepers, with the help of generous donors, has purchased 2 Mighty Mite Thermal Hive System from Lynn Williams at Beehive Thermal Industries.  We have an 8-frame and a 10-frame unit that can be used in Langstroth and AZ woodenware.  Hopefully in the future they will make a unit for our Top Bar and Warre beekeepers.  The Mighty Mite kills varroa mites, both phoretic and those inside capped brood cells, without harming the queen, drones, and worker bees. The Mighty Mite works by subjecting the bees and brood to a temperature of 106 degrees fahrenheit  for a period of 150 minutes.

We are excited about this new technology that does not rely on harsh chemicals to control varroa mites in our colony.

We will be having workshops to teach our club members how to use the Mighty Mites and will make the units available for only $10.00 per day maintenance fee.  Also available is a portable generator for only $5.00 per day maintenance fee.

The following information is the latest quick start guide and instructions for using the Mighty Mite as well as other information that we recommend you review before attending a workshop.  The startup guide and instructions may also be downloaded for your private use.

If you would like for us to include other information, please let Bob Reneau know by emailing to 


Excellent video by Trinity Bees.  The following comments indicate what has been learned since this video was shot:

  1. To reduce the number of dead bees, provide more ventilation by removing the outer cover or sliding the outer cover over or proping up so that the hive has “flow through” ventilation during the “Kill Cycle”.
  2. Secure the temperature sensor with staples or propolis to keep the sensor in place.  Gorilla tape may work, however, the adhesive may not securely hold the sensor in place.  Proper sensor placement will keep the temperature within 1/10 of a degree.

Another excellent video recorded in June 2019 by Tim Kelly.  He is providing excellent ventilation during the “Kill Cycle”.

Mighty Mite Thermal System Diagram

Frequently Asked Questions


The warm up cycle is taking a lot of time?    Before you plug in the unit, make sure that any gaps that would allow cooler air to enter or allow heat to escape the hive are sealed with painters tape.  Also, if the temperature is lower or the hive is in the shade, wrap the hive in insulation for less her loss.   We may provide foam insulation for three sides for treatments in spring and fall for authorized club members.

Is thermal treatment with the Mighty Mite harmful to my bees?    No, your bees, the queen and larvae will not be harmed.  You may notice a small number of dead bees on the heating element when you remove it; however,  these are most likely the weak and aged bees that would have died within the next several days. It is extremely important that an unobstructed airflow be allowed during the treatment phase.

What temperature will the hive be during treatment?  The Mighty Mite will bring the temperature to 106 degrees fahrenheit and maintain that temperature within 1/10 of a degree. Temperature and time will kill the varroa mites that are in capped worker and drone brood.  

Can I treat a double brood box?  Yes, you may treat a double brood box providing you are using a solid bottom board.  If you are using a screened bottom board,  you may treat with additional insulation between the screen and the heating element.

Will the temperature harm the drawn comb and honey?  No, the temperature is low  enough that the wax will maintain it’s strength and the enzymes in the honey will not be affected.

Will I need to treat with any other method?  No, if you treat your hives with the Mighty Mite at the recommended interval, you should not need additional methods that only kill phoretic mites.  

Is the ambient temperature or weather critical when using the Mighty Mite Thermal Hive System?  Yes, you should not attempt to use the Mighty Mite below 70 degrees fahrenheit.  Also if it is windy you may get gusts of air that will cause the temperature in the hive to drop below 106 degrees fahrenheit in the hive.

Is the placement of the sensor important?  Yes, make sure that the sensor is attached to the top of the center frame in the bottom brood super and that is securely secured so it will not move to another location.

What is a “Mite Bomb”?  A Mite Bomb is the sudden infestation of a colony.  Frequently the causing factor is your healthy hive robbing out an infected colony in the neighborhood.  If recognized, treat quickly before the colony becomes weakened.  Often the only solution is to relocate your colonies.

When are training sessions to be held?  Training Workshops:

When:  August 17/18, 2019 10:00 AM

Where:  601 Woodland Ave, El Paso TX 79922

When: September 7, 2019, 10:00 AM

Where: 730 Gannet Rd, Anthony NM 88021

Quick Start Guide

Below is the latest “Quick Start Gude” document for using the Mighty Mite Thermal Hive System.  Click to view and download.

Mighty Mite Instructions

Below is the latest “Installation Instructions” document for using the Mighty Mite Thermal Hive System.  Click to view and download.

LED Indicators

Below is the latest “LED Indicator Mode of Operation” document for using the Mighty Mite Thermal Hive System.  Click to view and download.

Life Cycle of the Varroa Mite

Varroa Mite Information

The go to document for managing Varroa. Tools for Varroa Management developed by Honey Bee Health Coalition.  Click to view.

Varroa Mite Monitoring

An excellent aid, Varroa Mite Monitoring Guide, developed by Meghan Milbrath, University of Michigan Extension.  Photographs are by Andrew Potter. Published with permission of Meghan Milbrath. Click to view.

Varroa Mite Reproductive Biology

Excellent scientific document about the “Varroa Mite Reproductive Biology”.  Click to view and download.

Varroa Mite Monitoring

Awareness of the honeybee population cycle and the varroa mite population cycle in important.  You should treat early n the year after the temperature is above 70 degrees, in August when the mite population at it’s peak and in the Fall.

Proper and timely monitoring is important to know when your colony may be at risk.


Varroa Mite Monitoring kits (sugar roll method) are available through Paseo del Norte Beekeepers for the small cost of $23.00.  

Just check with any board member for availability.