The following beekeepers are the original and founding members of Paseo Del Norte Beekeepers Association
Tomas and Mercedes Aguilar
Scott Anderson
Steven Cameron
Crysti Couture
Tom Chaney and Michele Ungvarsky
Robert and Christina Cooney
Michael Duchoquette
Andrew Garcia
Hector Granados and Yazika Delgado-Rios
Mike Hartlage and Janie Conyers
Bill and Pam Hooten
Jim and Mary Jordan
Larry and Jill Kindrick
Brad and Robin Kohler
Victor A LaFave
Theresa Larson
Josh Meier
Charlie Mabry
Ralph Payan
Carol and George Pouy
Brannon and Mary Lou Rasberry
Terri Rittman Rutter
Austin Reneau and Ann Marie Smith
Bob and Carol Reneau
Keenan Tegmeyer
Luis and Laura Terrazas
Chuck Turner
Elizabeth Turner
Matt and Terri Vaughn
Lynn and Sharon Whatley
Glen Word